A Qgis plugin, officialy available at the official Plugin Repository!
Since 12/12/2023, in the European Journal of Geography:
de Moraes Vestena, Kauê, Silvana Philippi Camboim, and Daniel Rodrigues dos Santos. 2023. “OSM Sidewalkreator: A QGIS Plugin for an Automated Drawing of Sidewalk Networks for OpenStreetMap”. European Journal of Geography 14 (4):66-84. https://doi.org/10.48088/ejg.k.ves.
The experiments for the publication were carried out in a separate repository: https://github.com/kauevestena/sidewalk_analysis
Please check it at: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_SidewalKreator
The wiki will speak about the workflow in a deep level of detail (still in progress).
Abstract at the proceedings: https://zenodo.org/record/7004523
Plugin designated to create the Geometries of Sidewalks (separated from streets) based on OpenStreetMap Streets.
there’s a tutorial with the basics on youtube:
and a mute video about the first importing at JOSM
The summary of what the plugin does is what follows:
It is mostly intended for Acessibility Mapping.
Though the data was generated thinking on the usage for OSM, one may use it for pedestrian network analysis out-of-the-box, or even for other purposes inside or outside QGIS.
The only dependency (osm2geojson) have shapely as dependency, but sadly it doesn’t come bundled with QGIS, so you can install it manually with:
<qgis_python_path> -m pip install shapely
1) Open the flatpak shell for the qgis package:
flatpak run --command=sh org.qgis.qgis
3) Within the shell, type:
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/pip.pyz -o pip.pyz
5) Install shapely:
python3 pip.pyz install shapely
In a future release, from this branch this dependency shall be removed.